Research page
Low Impact Workouts Revolutionized...
Low Impact...
High Intensity...
Stunning Results!

Introducing Low Impact Power HIIT - 10 Minutes of Sweat Dripping, High-Intensity Workouts With Low Impact Movements!
Plus your opportunity to win $1,000 in cash in my “PHIIT Before and After Contest”.
Low Impact...
High Intensity...
Stunning Results!

Introducing Low Impact Power HIIT - 10 Minutes of Sweat Dripping, High-Intensity Workouts With Low Impact Movements!
Plus your opportunity to win $1,000 in cash in my “PHIIT Before and After Contest”.
Hi, I'm Kari Pearce, 6 times CrossFit Games competitor and Fittest Woman in the United States in 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
I’m also the creator of PowerAbs and PHIIT, the revolutionary, 10 minute a day fitness programs that you can do anywhere!
Over the past three years, hundreds of thousands of people from over 125 countries have successfully completed my 10 minute PowerAbs, PHIIT, PHIIT Strength, PowerGlutes, and PowerArms programs and have seen amazing, body-changing results.
Many people love my 10-minute Power HIIT (PHIIT) program. In fact, PHIIT is now our best-selling program!
Along the way, many people have requested that I create a high-intensity program with the same benefits as my revolutionary PHIIT program, but with lower intensity movements.
Some people, because they’re recovering from an injury, or have knee or joint issues, or because of age, or a host of reasons simply prefer low-impact workouts.
If you’re one of them, here’s great news for you…

Kari Pearce - 4x Fittest Woman in the US and Creator of PHIIT and
Low Impact PHIIT!
I Created Low Impact Power HIIT (PHIIT) Just For You!
You want to work up a sweat and get incredible body-changing results without the jumping that comes from other high-intensity workouts.
You want to be healthier and fitter and you want to do it in only 10 minutes a day!
That’s why I’ve created Low Impact PHIIT just for you!
Low Impact PHIIT is not your grandmother's low impact workout!
This all new-high-intensity program will work your entire body from head to toe and you will work up a sweat!
In just 10 minutes a day with Low Impact PHIIT, you'll build lean muscle, burn calories, and strip away body fat.
Your Low Impact PHIIT Demonstrators!
Caroline is a Mom of an 18 and 14 Year Old and a Trusted Member of
Team PowerAbs!
Rachel is My Lead Demonstrator For PHIIT and Low Impact PHIIT. She is also the Co-Creator of PowerGlutes, PowerLegs, and Summer PowerArms.
Don’t Let The Gyms Fool You…
The gyms want you to believe you need 45-60+ minute classes to achieve optimal fitness....
They’re wrong!
Numerous studies shown that shorter workouts are as good as, and many times better, than those long drawn out 45-60 minute exercise classes that the gyms sell.
You can find study after study, including those published in the Journal of Physiology and by the prestigious Massachusetts General Hospital, that show the positive impact of shorter, high-intensity workouts.
These studies also show that high-intensity workouts boost life expectancy, lower the risk of heart disease, lessen the chance of getting diabetes, and even lower your blood pressure.
The bottom line is, you can become fitter and healthier in only 10 minutes a day!
You Can Become Fitter and Healthier
In Only 10 MInutes A Day
Without Any Jumping!
All of the Benefits Of Low Impact!
Are you ready to look and feel better in only 30 days? Yes, from a low-impact workout!
I’m telling you, it may be called “low impact” but Low Impact PHIIT is a high-intensity, full body workout created to get you the results you want fast… all without jumping!
Each day after you complete a Low Impact PHIIT workout you’ll be one step closer to having a body you want to show off.
You’ll burn fat, build lean, toned muscle, decrease your stress, increase your flexibility, and improve your posture, while giving you that tank top, shorts-ready body you have been craving… all in only 10 minutes a day!

Low Impact Does Not Mean
Low Intensity!

Making You Fitter Faster, and Having Fun While Doing It!

Making You Fitter With Low Impact Movements and Modifications

Changing The Movements Allows You To Work Your Body In New Ways
Without Worrying About Your
Knees and Joints
Everyone Notices A PHIIT Body! In 30 Days,
They’ll Notice Yours!
Here’s How My Program Works!

Your Low Impact PHIIT Team -
Caroline, Kari, and Rachel
10 Minutes a Day and You're On Your Way To Amazing Results!

Have Knee or Joint Issues?
Low Impact PHIIT Is Designed For You!

Level One Is Bodyweight Only.
I'll Teach You How To Master The Movements To See An Immediate Change In Your Body.

Level 2 Is Spicy... Stick With The Program and You'll See
Stunning Results In 30 Days!
Special Bonus - Be Part Of Our Facebook Group!
Low Impact PHIIT is more than a workout, it’s an amazing community and I want you to be a part of it!
Join me in our exclusive Facebook Group!
This is your private, online meeting place to talk, share, and encourage each other as you go through Low Impact PHIIT!
You may be working out at home, but you are definitely not alone with our incredible global community just a click away!
Our community is the place for you to come together to make new friendships, share your stories, your struggles, and your successes with people from around the world!
This is your own exclusive, online space. A group filled with encouragement, accountability, and empowerment. We are all in this together. I can’t wait to have you join us!
Win $1,000! Announcing the "PHIIT" Before
and After Contest
I’m excited to announce the "PHIIT ” Before and After Contest June 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022 with the winner receiving $1,000 for the greatest full body improvement.
Push yourself and show me you’re PHIIT! Send me your before and after pictures with permission to post them. The greatest full body improvement over 30 days will be selected by my team. The winner will receive $1,000!
My 100% Money
Back Guarantee!
Back Guarantee!
I’m so sure that you'll see an incredible full body improvement in 30 days like you've never seen before that I'm offering a 100% money-back guarantee.
Order Low Impact PHIIT today. If you don't see a complete change in your body in 30 days, you will get a full refund. No questions asked. That’s how positive I am you’ll see an incredible change in how you look in 30 days!

Order Now!
The price of Low Impact PHIIT is only $59.95 ($39.95 if you order by Sunday, September 18 - a savings of over 30%).
No monthly charges. You only pay once and have unlimited, lifetime access!
Kari Pearce
6X CrossFit Games Competitor
Fittest Woman in the US 2016, 2018, 2019 & 2020
P.S. Show Me Your Progress! Enter the PHIIT Before and After Contest because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Not only am I promising you’ll see incredible changes in your body, you have the opportunity to win $1,000!
P.P.S To stay on track, I’m including a 30-day Low Impact PHIIT by Kari Pearce Calendar to assure you maximize your results. The Program and the Calendar can be used as many times as you like so you can keep PHIIT throughout the year!
P.P.S To stay on track, I’m including a 30-day Low Impact PHIIT by Kari Pearce Calendar to assure you maximize your results. The Program and the Calendar can be used as many times as you like so you can keep PHIIT throughout the year!